Things to Consider When Traveling On Vacation with a Large Family

Despite what the skeptics say, having a family does not suck out the fun in you and certainly does not prevent you from living life and seeing the world. In reality, traveling is among the most enjoyable and lasting activities a family can do together. Unlike a material toy or game console, experiences like mingling with Maasai tribes in Tanzania or snorkeling between tectonic plates in Iceland are incomparable.

In addition, traveling helps your family develop the resilience necessary to deal with change and strengthens family bonds by fostering a fun and adventure experience. However, there are many additional things to consider while traveling with a large family instead of solo, couple, or group travel for adults.

Read on to explore a list of things to consider when planning a vacation with your family:

  1. Consider your destination and everything else in advance.

This is the point upon which the rest of our family travel trips are based. Before making a decision, consider the preferences of every family member, but more importantly, ensure that it is practicable for everyone (kids, spouse, parents, etc.). Also, when traveling with a family, it is easy to appreciate the value and ease of making reservations for lodging, transport, and other attractions. It’s all about that connection and being present on a family vacation, and reservations let you do that.

Pro-Advise: If your goal is to have a memorable adventure with your family, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, might be a perfect choice. It offers many family-friendly trails, wildlife viewing opportunities, picnic areas, and scenic drives. Plus, you can make the most of your stay by locating some of the best Pigeon Forge cabin rentals and treating yourself and your loved ones to a luxury experience.

  1. Consider special needs.

Your choice of travel destination may be influenced by the fact that certain places do not adhere to the same requirements for food preparation as you might at home. It would help if you considered the particular needs of any family member when traveling. Think of anything that would affect your ability to appreciate certain places, such as illnesses, mobility challenges, or limitations. This is especially true when traveling to non-western nations, where facilities may not be equipped to handle unique individual demands. If your child has allergies, it can be helpful to study the medical facilities available in the locations you want to visit.

  1. Never overpack. 

Families frequently bring every item their children use at home. By bringing familiar goods, you can maintain consistency in your practices and ensure you have all you need. Unfortunately, this is a bad idea. You might carry at least one child at the end of a long day of traveling, so you don’t want to carry 100 pounds of baggage. Instead, pack as little as you can. Trying to keep all of your home routines will be impossible because traveling itself will disrupt them. It will just result in annoyance and weary arms.

There are kids everywhere you go, which is one of the best things about traveling. You can always purchase anything you discover missing when you get to your destination. You must be more careful about this guideline when traveling to less developed nations. Still, in most areas you would choose, your children will likely have the necessities you need to take care of them.

  1. Don’t forget to pack some snacks!

Hunger can make the difference between a happy household and irritable children. Family members who are famished quickly turn from having fun to being miserable because of hunger pangs. Thus, always keep snacks on hand! You can never guess when the pause between meals will increase. It can be a delayed flight, unforeseen traffic on the way to your accommodation, or a tour that goes a little longer than intended. The food at your destination might not be what your children are used to consuming. They might be content to purchase lunch and only have two bites of it because it didn’t meet their expectations. Needless to say, having snacks for both you and any other adults traveling with you is not a bad idea. Both adults and children are capable of becoming upset by hunger.

  1. Keep your travel documents nearby.

It should go without saying that you want to keep your travel documents close at hand while traveling and avoid losing them in a foreign country. Keep a small bag or a passport holder nearby that is both accessible and secure. Adults can take care of their bags, but if you are traveling with children, it is preferable to keep theirs close by and take a little more precaution.

PS: Always retain copies of your original documents; never keep them all together in one location or bag.

  1. Never skip onboard entertainment.

When traveling, it’s not the time to wish for your family to develop innovative games. Whether traveling by vehicle, train, plane, or boat, young children need some help to avoid getting bored. Allow children to fill their carry-on baggage with a few of their favorite toys; nice choices include stickers, magnetic games, and drawing books. However, leave fiddly, noisy, or loud toys at home. If in doubt, consider the length of time that kids can enjoy straightforward games like “Would you rather…?” and I-spy.

  1. Be adaptable. 

Your travel plans may not go as expected, especially considering how the epidemic still interferes with daily life worldwide. Things can go wrong, whether a tour cancellation, a flight delay, or an unexpected restaurant closing. Have the attitude that it won’t be perfect, but remain joyous. The entire family’s attitude will be set by the parent’s willingness to go with the flow and maintain their composure. Don’t become angry and yell at the hostess, customer service agent, or airline attendant. Instead of focusing on what you’re missing, consider workable options, maintain your good attitude, and accept the unknown.



Family travel doesn’t need to be the kind of experience that should be postponed “until the kids become older.” When you see the great effects travel will have on your children—and you—you’ll be so thankful you made the additional effort. It only requires a little more preparation and a change of mentality. So sit back, use these tips, enjoy your family time, and take full advantage of the original “FaceTime.”