The importance of proper maintenance for your baking sheets

Baking sheets are a must-have kitchen essential for anyone who loves to bake. Some fan favorites when it comes to baking and using a baking sheet include chocolate chip cookies, sweet potato fries, roasted vegetables, and dessert bars. But the list of baked goods that a baking sheet can support is pretty endless.

So when it comes to choosing the perfect baking sheet, there are a few things you should consider. Size and material are two of the biggest factors to keep in mind when selecting your sheet. If you find yourself wanting to make a lot of batches at once, then you might want to opt for larger sizes like half or full sheets. On the other hand, if you’re just making small batches then quarter or even eighth size might do the trick

Ultimately, you will want to choose a baking sheet that fits your oven, fits your budget, and is aligned with a brand you trust.

After you find your perfect baking sheet, you will want to have your game plan on how to look after it. Cleaning your baking sheet is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your food comes out perfect every time and to ensure that you can use that baking sheet for years to come.

To help you look after your beloved baking sheet, regardless of the kind you have, we have rounded up the top tips and tricks for taking care of it and ensuring it remains looks brand new.

Here are the top steps you can take to look after your baking sheet.

1. Always Clean After Use

Every time you bake, you should always ensure that you clean your baking sheet and remove any food residue from it. Even if you have a non-stick baking sheet, you don’t want to risk food crusting on the surface and letting it age. If you look after your baking sheet and clean it following your baking session, it will help your baking sheet last longer and maintain its non-stick qualities.

2. Use the Right Cleaning Materials

When you are cleaning your baking sheet, it is important that you use the right tools and materials or you could actually risk damaging it. For example, you should void using steel wool or abrasive scrubbers as they could damage the non-stick sealing of the baking sheet.

A great alternative is to instead use a soft sponge or cloth with warm water mixed with a bit of dish soap. Gently scrub away any of the food or grime and pat dry with a dish towel. This extra attention to the cleaning process will go a long way toward looking after your baking sheet.

3. Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

Be sure to avoid harsh chemicals such as bleach when cleaning your baking sheet as they can be too powerful for the non-stick coating, and you don’t want to risk it degrading. Harsh chemicals can also put your food at risk in the future too, as toxins can end up remaining on your cooking sheet. Instead, use the right cleaning materials and ensure you wash away everything thoroughly. The last thing you want to have to happen is to get sick from the food the next time you bake.

4. Make Sure It is Dry

After you wash the baking sheet, ensure you take a few extra minutes to dry it out. This is because moisture can end up damaging the non-stick coating of your baking sheet, as water will end up shortening its life span of it. Using a paper towel or dish towel and softly patting it dry is the best method to caring for your baking sheet

5. Be Selective with How You Store It

Another key trick that many people don’t consider is to actually be very mindful of how and where you store your baking sheet. For example, you should never store your baking sheet in a damp place that could end up causing rust. You should have a dry designated place for your baking sheet so that it stays protected and is ready to shine the next time you take it out to bake.

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6. Two is Better than One

While one quality baking sheet is all you really need, having two great baking sheets is sometimes the better way to go. This not only allows you to make more quantity of whatever you are baking but also saves you from having to clean the sheet in between batches.

Taking care of your baking sheet is not just about ensuring it looks brand new, but more fundamentally making sure that you get perfect results every time when you bake. With all these tips and tricks on how to look after your baking sheet, you are going to fall in love with your baking sheet every time you take it out to whip up another delicious recipe.