5 Moving Tips for Seniors

Moving Tips for Seniors can help alleviate the physical and emotional challenges that often come with the process of relocating to a new home. The prospect of leaving behind a familiar environment makes the process bittersweet, often inducing a sense of loss and nostalgia. 

The physical demands of the moving process can also be hectic too. The long and arduous process of packing, organizing, and unpacking belongings can be particularly exhausting. 

However, regardless of the challenges of moving, in some cases leaving your home and settling in a new place becomes unavoidable in old age. For instance, living can become challenging if you live in a place like Gulfport, Mississippi, where the weather is hot and humid. 

Gulfport experiences heat waves, and temperature can also occasionally exceed 100 °F, according to Risk Factor. Extreme heat and high humidity can be challenging for older people, causing illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. So, moving to other places seems like a good decision. 

Regardless of the reasons forcing you to move, it can be made more manageable. Here are some tips mentioned below to make moving a better experience for seniors. 

Hire a reliable moving company 

Hiring a reliable moving company can make the moving process much easier and more manageable. Experienced movers can alleviate the burden of packing, organizing, loading, and unloading your belongings. A professional moving company can also plan the route for your move and handle technical requirements. 

Finding a reliable moving company might be much easier if you live in a big city like Gulfport, the second largest in Mississippi State, with an estimated population of about 72,236 people, according to the US Census Bureau. However, since Gulfport is home to many residents, reliable and experienced movers may already have clients lined up. With this in mind, you should contact your preferred Gulfport moving company as soon as possible. 

Make sure to research well before selecting a company to ensure they can provide you with services tailored to your needs. Once you have shortlisted a few companies, compare their rates and negotiate for the best deals. 

Don’t hesitate to ask for help 

In old age, even mundane tasks become exhausting; therefore, you should not hesitate to ask for help. Let your friends and family know about your moving plans and ask how they can assist you. By asking for help, you can avoid tasks that involve heavy lifting and arranging furniture and boxes, saving yourself from any potential injuries. 

Asking for help during the move is also important because it provides you with the required emotional support. Moving from a familiar home to a new environment can stir up feelings of uncertainty, sadness, or anxiety. So, having someone by your side during this transitional process make it easier to process the change. 

You may also receive assistance in finding a reliable moving company, buying packing supplies, or contacting organizations such as postal service or utility companies about your move. 

If you can get help packing your stuff, you can save quite a bit on moving costs. In this regard, the rule is simple: the more services you buy on top of moving stuff, the higher the cumulative fee of the moving company. 

Begin packing as early as possible

When moving in your old age, it is essential to start the packing process as soon as you finalize about moving. You may think you have all the time in this world until the moving day, but time flies. Before you know it, moving day will arrive with all its frenzy and rush. So, start early so you have ample time to pack carefully and prevent yourself from stressing over things at the last minute. 

Starting the packing process sooner than later helps you adopt a more systematic approach. You can pack room by room or category by category, ensuring that everything is properly organized and packed in an orderly manner. 

You can also take your time to pack delicate stuff such as art pieces, crockery and kitchenware, expensive electronics, and so on. Doing this reduces the chance of misplacing or losing items, and the later unpacking process will also be smoother. 

Know the floor plan of your new house

Knowing the floor plan of your new house offers you numerous benefits. Firstly, you can decide what furniture, appliances, and personal belongings to take. You can imagine if certain items will easily fit in the new house or if you will need modifications. This will prevent you from taking oversized furniture or machinery which won’t find any space there. 

Secondly, knowing the floor plan of the new house helps you pack more systematically and decide where each box will go after reaching the new home. It eliminates the need to carry boxes from one central point to their respective places in the house, saving time during unpacking.

Thirdly, you can plan for necessary modifications by being aware of the floor plan before reaching the new house. For instance, handrails can be installed in the bathroom and on the staircase for better support. If you or your partner use a wheelchair, you may require a ramp for easier movement. 

Declutter and sort belongings

Decluttering and sorting belongings is crucial, especially in old age when having fewer things is better. Therefore, to make moving easier, declutter your house and sort your belongings before packing.

To declutter your house, you must remove everything you won’t require in your new house. This may include clothes you haven’t worn in a while, an idle lawn mower, or tools stored in your attic for a long time.

Visit each room of your house one by one. Empty all cupboards and drawers, and create four piles to sort your stuff. Label them as follows:

Keep: It should include everything you will use in your new house, including items with sentimental value, everyday necessities, high-value items, and clothing needed for important occasions.

Charity: Include all the items you can donate to the charities in your area—things that don’t fit you, for example.

Sell: This pile should include things that are in good shape and can fetch you some money. You can add oversized furniture, clothing, crockery, and other items in good condition but not needed in the new house.

Trash: It should consist of items that are out of order, broken or things you don’t intend to use again.

After decluttering and sorting belongings, you will find that packing becomes much more manageable as only essential items will be left to pack. 

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Moving can be tricky for seniors; they may find it more challenging than young people. The physical effort and stress can also take a toll on their health, especially if it is their first time relocating to another place. However, with the right guidance, moving can become much easier. We hope the helpful tips in the article will assist seniors and others in their moving process.