10 Ecotourism Practices to Follow When Visiting the Smoky Mountains

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a crown jewel in the country’s natural heritage, attracting more than 12 million visitors in 2020 alone. Visiting the Smoky Mountains while witnessing its stunning beauty and rich biodiversity, one cannot ignore the unfortunate impact of human activity on this fragile ecosystem.Picture this – trash heaps littering the natural landscape, parking areas packed to the brim, soil erosion by the roadsides, vegetation being trampled underfoot, and wildlife disturbed by unending traffic.

This park is more than just a tourist attraction; it’s a vital sanctuary for a wide array of protected animals. You’ll find 65 species of mammals, over 200 bird species, 67 types of native fish, and more than 80 varieties of reptiles and amphibians. And let’s not forget the plant life! The Smoky Mountains boast an ideal habitat for over 1,600 species of flowering plants, including 100 native tree species, over 100 native shrub species, and three federally listed threatened and endangered plant species.

With all these ecological treasures at risk, how can you make a difference? Enter: Eco-tourism.

So, what exactly is eco-tourism? 

It’s a concept put forward by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). They define it as “environmentally responsible travel to natural areas that promotes conservation, has a low visitor impact, and includes beneficial socio-economic involvement of local peoples.” In simpler terms, eco-tourism means being responsible while exploring natural areas. It’s about traveling in a way that conserves the environment and enhances the lives of the local community.

If you boil it down to its essence, eco-tourism means leaving a place better than how you found it – good old grandma’s wisdom. It’s not just about being cautious of your impact, but also actively working to reduce your environmental footprint. This principle applies whether you’re just hiking for the day or camping in the Smokies for a week.

Why is eco-tourism so crucial for the Smoky Mountains? 

Well, it’s about helping visitors understand their impact on this fragile ecosystem and nurturing a deeper appreciation for the park’s exceptional beauty.

Think about it. Every piece of trash left behind by tourists can trigger a chain of events with huge implications for the environment. Litter attracts animals that can carry and spread diseases. Discarded rubbish could start wildfires, harm wildlife, and pollute waterways.

Traffic congestion isn’t just inconvenient for you; it disrupts wildlife crossings and contributes to the rising number of fatal car accidents involving wild animals, like black bears and elk. It also means more air pollution. Even the seemingly harmless act of straying from the path while hiking can damage plant life and accelerate soil erosion, which harms river ecosystems.

So, what can you do to embrace eco-tourism in the Smoky Mountains? Here are some tips:

10 Ecotourism Practices to Follow When Visiting the Smoky Mountains.

Consider Shuttle Services: 

Opting for shuttle services or public transportation isn’t just about dodging traffic—it’s a significant step towards reducing the carbon footprint associated with your visit. Cars, particularly when stuck in traffic, emit large amounts of greenhouse gases. When you choose public transportation, you’re actively reducing the total number of cars on the road, leading to less congestion and lower emissions.

Choose Reusable Water Bottles: 

Using a reusable water bottle is a simple yet impactful decision. Disposable plastic water bottles are one of the most significant contributors to litter in national parks, and they can take hundreds of years to decompose. By carrying a reusable bottle, you’re not just reducing the amount of waste—you’re also saving resources used in the production and distribution of disposable bottles.

Stay on Marked Hiking Trails: 

The Smoky Mountains have an extensive network of marked trails designed to guide you safely through the park while minimizing your impact on the ecosystem. When you stick to the trails, you’re helping to preserve the natural habitats of countless plants and animals, and preventing soil compaction and erosion, which can have long-term effects on the landscape.

Opt for Air Dryers in Restrooms: 

While it might seem more convenient to reach for paper towels, air dryers are a more environmentally friendly choice. They reduce waste and the demand for paper, a resource that involves deforestation and water consumption in its production process. By using air dryers, you’re helping to conserve natural resources and keep the park cleaner.

Remember the 3R’s of Waste Management: 

The principle of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a straightforward guide to managing your waste responsibly. You can reduce your waste by opting for items with less packaging and bringing your own containers or bags. Reuse items when possible instead of disposing of them. If disposal is necessary, recycle what you can. Keep an eye out for recycling bins throughout the park and sort your waste appropriately.

Respect Wildlife: 

It’s crucial to keep a safe distance from animals for both your safety and theirs. Feeding wildlife can disrupt their natural diet and behaviors. Also, remember not to touch or move young animals, even if they seem abandoned. Parent animals often leave their young while they forage for food.

Minimize Campfire Impact: 

If you’re camping in the Smokies, keep fires small and use established fire rings to prevent wildfires. Avoid using wood from living trees and remember to fully extinguish the fire when you’re done. Leave the site as you found it, or even cleaner.

Be Mindful of Noise Pollution: 

Noise pollution can disrupt wildlife and their behavior. Keep your voice down and avoid playing loud music. This not only minimizes your impact on the wildlife but also allows you to better appreciate the natural sounds of the park.

Be Conscious of Your Energy Use: 

Even while camping, you can make choices to minimize your energy use. Use energy-efficient camping equipment, turn off lights when you’re not using them, and consider solar-powered chargers for your devices.

Leave What You Find: 

Resist the urge to take home natural souvenirs like rocks, plants, and feathers. Removing these items can disrupt the ecosystem and is often illegal. Instead, take photos to remember your trip. Every little bit helps in preserving the pristine condition of the Great Smoky Mountains for generations to come.

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Next time you plan a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, remember that your actions can make a difference. Even the smallest things like picking up after yourself or using a reusable water bottle go a long way in maintaining the park’s beauty, not just for you but for future generations too.