10 Best Places to Invest in Multifamily Properties in the US Today

When it comes to investing in real estate, one of the best options that you should consider is a multifamily property. By definition, this is a residential property that has two or more units, which can either be used for rental purposes or to live in one unit and rent out the others. There are many benefits to investing in multifamily properties, especially in Dallas including now that more people are looking for an apartment for rent in Dallas, stable rental income, and potential for appreciation.

There are many reasons why multifamily properties make for a great investment. For starters, they offer more income potential than single-family homes since you’re earning from multiple rents, rather than one. Also, these types of properties tend to appreciate at a higher rate than their single-family counterparts. Moreover, they offer greater diversification since your risk is spread out over multiple tenants instead of just one.

Now that we’ve established why these homes are such a great investment, let’s take a look at the best places to invest in multifamily properties in the US today.

Where to Look for Multifamily Properties to Buy

While multifamily properties can offer you some great benefits that you will not find in other types of investments, it is still important to remember that not all of them will give you the same returns. To ensure high profitability, you should only buy in multifamily investment markets that have the following characteristics.

  • Good-quality properties
  • Affordable home prices
  • Growing population
  • Strong job market
  • Good schools and infrastructure
  • Low crime rate

With those characteristics in mind, here are the best cities to invest in multifamily properties.

1. Atlanta, GA

If you’re looking for a city with good-quality properties and affordable home prices, then Atlanta is a great option. This is because the city has experienced significant population growth in recent years, which has helped to drive up the demand for housing.

Also, the job market in this city is quite strong, thanks to the many large corporations that have their headquarters here. As a result, there is a constant stream of new residents moving to the city in search of employment.

And lastly, the schools and infrastructure in Atlanta are top-notch, which helps to attract families to the area. All of these factors make it an ideal place to buy a multifamily investment property.

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2. Austin, TX

Like Atlanta, Austin is another city that has experienced significant population growth. This is due to the strong employment market and high quality of life that the city offers. As a result, there is a great demand for housing in Austin, making it a great place to invest in these types of properties.

And, if you are looking for the cheapest multi-family homes, house prices in Austin are very affordable when compared to other cities of its size.

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3. Charlotte, NC

Charlotte is another city that makes for a great investment in multifamily properties. This is due to the strong job market, which has led to population growth. Additionally, the schools and infrastructure are very good, making it attractive to families.

4. Dallas, TX

Much like Atlanta and Austin, Dallas is a city that is seeing strong growth in its population in recent years. The city is also home to safe neighborhoods, which makes it ideal for families, which will be your target market in buying multifamily properties.

On top of that, home prices in Dallas are relatively affordable when compared to other major cities in the US.

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5. Denver, CO

Denver is full of culture with great job opportunities, fun activities, affordable living, great sceneries, and great weather all year round, making it one of the best places to buy multifamily homes in the US.

Not only does the city offer all of those things, but there are different types of homes that you can choose from, including apartments, condos, and townhomes.

6. Houston, TX

Houston is yet another city in Texas that makes for a great investment in multifamily properties. Like the other cities on this list, it has a strong job market and is seeing population growth. Additionally, home prices are also relatively affordable.

And, if you’re looking for a city with a low crime rate, Houston is definitely the place for you. In fact, it was recently ranked as one of the safest cities in America.

7. Indianapolis, IN

Indianapolis is a great city to invest in multi-family homes for a number of reasons. Aside from having a strong job market, steady population growth, and friendly home prices, the city is located in the Midwest, which is known for being more stable than other parts of the country.

This stability makes it a great place to invest your money, as you can be assured that your investment will be safe and secure.

8. Jacksonville, FL

Located in the Sunshine State, this city will be a haven for real estate investors like yourself. While the properties here sell at higher prices compared to other cities, investing will be a lucrative endeavor as multifamily homes are always in high demand.

This is due to the city’s great weather, beautiful beaches, and endless recreational activities. And, with a population of over one million people, you will have no problem finding tenants for your multifamily home.

9. Las Vegas, NV

If you’re looking for a city with high potential returns on investment, then Las Vegas is the place for you. This is because the city has a lot to offer in terms of entertainment and recreation.

As a result, there is always a high demand for housing in Las Vegas, which makes it a great place to buy a multifamily investment property. If you’re worried about finding tenants for your multifamily homes, don’t be! The city has a population of over two million people, so you will have no problem filling up your units.

10. Los Angeles, CA

Last but not least, we have Los Angeles. Like Las Vegas, this city has a lot to offer in terms of entertainment and recreation. As there are a lot of people moving to this city to seek out life-changing opportunities, there is always a high demand for housing.

Not only will this make it easier for you to find tenants, but it will also give you more freedom to set higher rental rates. And, with a population of over four million people, you will have no problem finding tenants as well.

Buying an Investment Multi-Family Property: Steps to Take


Now that you know the best places to invest in multifamily properties, it’s time to start looking for your next investment. Here are the steps to get started.

  • Research the market – Find out which cities are best suited for your needs and research their real estate market. Look at the population growth, job opportunities, housing prices, and other factors that can affect your investment.
  • Decide on the type of property to buy – Once you’ve chosen a location, it’s time to narrow down your search by choosing the type of property to buy. You will have several options, from apartments to townhouses.
  • Get financing – You can either take out a loan or use your own money to buy the property.
  • Hire a local real estate agent – Once you’ve gotten financing, the next step is to hire a local real estate agent. They know where to buy a multifamily property, help you find the best deals, and guide you through the entire purchase process.
  • Close on the deal – Finally, it’s time to close on the deal and start generating income from your investment.

By following these steps, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful real estate investor.

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Final Thoughts

Investing in real estate should not be difficult. In today’s market, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get started. Keep in mind, however, that real estate investing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, effort, and patience to see success. But, if you’re willing to put in the work, then there’s no reason why you can’t be successful.

With the information provided in this article, you already know the best places to invest in multifamily properties in the US to start your investment journey.

For more useful information on real estate investing, feel free to check out our other posts. Good luck!