Traveling as a Couple? 8 Tips for a Memorable Trip

Ah, the time of romance and adventure has arrived. You’re taking a trip with your significant other! For couples, travel is an exceptional part of their relationship. You learn more about your partner’s likes and dislikes, laugh over embarrassing encounters (trust us; there are plenty of those!), and explore the gorgeousness of new places together.

But before you can hit the road (or catch your flight), there are some things you need to take care of. 

And so, we’ve put together this list of eight tips for traveling as a couple so that you can enjoy all the magic and memories without any silly arguments (they’re cute, though. No?).

Ask, Don’t Dictate:

You can’t just ring up your bae and say, “we’re leaving for a weekend getaway tomorrow morning,” without discussing the details. Believe it or not, this often leads to fights and misunderstandings. What if they have an important meeting at work? They may have something else planned. Or there could be a family commitment that needs to be taken care of. That’s why it’s important always to ask and plan together. 

The planning process might become easier if you’re taking a trip within the states, such as a road adventure to Tennessee. It might be much easier to take time out for a destination that isn’t far from home.

Respect Each Other’s Preferences:

Just because you both love traveling doesn’t mean you have similar ideas of fun. Everyone has different levels of comfort, so respecting these preferences is essential. If one partner likes adventure and the other prefers a relaxing vacation, compromise on activities and attractions. 

You could head to Pigeon Forge – a perfect couple’s getaway. 

The city has something for everyone, from thrilling zip lines and roller coasters to cozy Pigeon Forge cabins with mesmerizing views. Plus, the Southern goodness of fried chicken is epic.


Agree to Disagree:

Traveling together means you’ll make decisions as a couple, like choosing the mode of transportation or picking a restaurant for dinner. But if you two don’t agree on something, there’s no need to panic. Simply come up with a win-win solution. 

For instance, if walking to a movie night is your choice, your partner gets to pick the movie. Or if your partner is in the mood for some yummy, medium-rare steak but you want a veggie burger, search for a restaurant that offers both.

If nothing else works, agree to do different things and meet afterward. You don’t necessarily have to spend every minute together while traveling.

Pack Light:

It’s too easy to stuff your suitcase with things you don’t need. So, try only to bring the essentials. Make a list of items you must carry and limit yourself to two carry-ons per person (if you can). This way, your partner won’t be lugging around all the extra weight.

But how to decide what to leave behind when Instagram requires you to be on point with your style? It’s simple. Pack pieces of clothing that can be mixed and matched easily to create multiple looks with the same items.

If you lovebirds plan on doing thrilling activities like whitewater rafting or treks, you don’t have to carry all your gear. You can save the space (and luggage fee!) and rent the equipment on-site.

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Know Each Other’s Budget:

Money matters are sensitive topics but essential to a successful trip. Discuss the budget before you head off and determine your contributions. Having clarity on who is paying for what will ensure a smoother journey.

Also, plan your expenses before you leave and ensure that the destination fits your budget range. You don’t want to fight about running out of money halfway through the trip. Consider other alternatives if the chosen destination doesn’t fit one of your budget categories. You could also contribute now and receive later or decide to save up for your next trip together. Choose whatever makes you comfortable.

Disconnect to Reconnect:

We know that phones and devices are an integral part of our lives, but it’s important to take a break every once in a while. So, switch off your phones and laptops; let the cameras roll and capture your precious moments together. This way, you won’t end up arguing over who’s taking a selfie.

Pro tip: You can always find a fellow tourist to click your pictures together. 

Ditching your devices also allows you more time to connect with each other. Discuss how you felt on your first date, or maybe let your partner know what you love the most about them. Trust us; it’s going to rekindle your love in no time.

And if you don’t feel like talking, no worries. Just hold hands and enjoy the moment!

Try Something New:

Nothing is better than the special memories you make together when it comes to keeping romance alive. Sure, roller coasters and beach strolls are great–but why not take your relationship up a notch by exploring new activities? Think of all those times when you can look back fondly at each other and say, “Remember that one time we did [insert activity]?” 

What about taking an Italian cooking class for two or ballroom dancing lessons as a surprise gift? If more conventional ideas don’t appeal to you both, consider spicing things up with wine-tasting tours or parasailing adventures! 

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Have an Emergency Backup Plan:

Unarguably, one of the most underrated things you can do while traveling together is to have an emergency backup plan. It doesn’t mean you’ll end up in a sticky situation, but it’s always better to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. 

Think of what would happen if one of you falls sick or there is some unexpected delay at the airport.

You could have a spring-break-style “in case of emergency” plan or designate someone to contact when things go south. Also, ensure you have easy access to cash and your health insurance cards.

Getting acquainted with the local culture and laws is always a good idea if you’re traveling to someplace new. This way, you’ll know what to do in an emergency.

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Final Thoughts:

Adventures with the one you love can make for some of life’s most cherished memories! Plus, what’s better than learning new things about your partner with a majestic mountain backdrop and a tasty meal at the end of it all?

However, before setting off, lock down all the details and pack your sense of humor along with everything else. No matter how stressful things may get during travel, there’ll be someone special by your side to share it all. So, remember to relax and enjoy yourselves along this exciting journey! Bon Voyage!