The 5 Best Types of Summer Travel Shoes to Match Your Outfit

Packing for a holiday is fun. You get to take a break from the buzz of the city and your usual busy lifestyle. You should never go wrong with what to pack and wear for your travels, especially with your shoes.

You need to wear comfortable shoes during your holiday; not too stuffy, sturdy, and free, but just perfect. If you are wondering what shoes to take with you on your vacation, you are at the right place. Of course, determining what shoes to pack depends on where you will spend your holidays, but perfect shoes are a real thing.

Check below!

1. Sneakers

Sneakers are some of the perfect holiday shoes. They are highly fashionable and comfortable. They are so comfy that you can wear them throughout the day as you tour different locations. In addition, they are sturdy and supportive and won’t leave your feet aching after a long day; that’s only if you choose the perfect one.

Therefore, some people go the extra mile of shopping for designer shoes before vacationing. Sneakers are also fashionable and will go with most outfits; dresses, jeans, shorts, and more.

2. Walking shoes

You should pack some walking shoes if you intend to spend time outdoors. You can wear them for walks or hikes. They are more suitable than hiking shoes because they are more comfortable, breathable, and won’t irritate your feet in warm weather.

You can wear them during breezy evenings or warm afternoons. You need to pack these, so you won’t have to wear your sneakers when you just want to stroll around your hotel area or join a group of hikers for a simple walk.

3. Sandals

Your shoe collection for the holiday isn’t complete yet without sandals. When shopping for shoes for your holiday, don’t leave them out. 

Sandals are perfect and comfortable for most holiday destinations. You can match a perfect pair of sandals with dresses, shorts, and jeans, and you can wear them almost anywhere, on tour, shopping, or at the beach. 

You can also wear them when you want your feet to breathe and if you want to dress casually. Lastly, sandals are fashionable, and you can pick the one that reflects your personality! 

4. Water shoes

If you intend to spend time at the beach during your vacation, you should pack a pair of water shoes. They are comfy and protective and can shield your leg when walking on a rocky beach or on the shore from rocks, debris, stone, and broken and sharp objects that may harm you.

You can wear them without worrying about wet shoes, messy feet, or getting a bruise from the beach. In addition, they are good for swimming and snorkeling.

5. Flip-flops 

You aren’t done packing yet without flip-flops! They are essential for any holiday. Some people find flip-flops uncomfortable, so it is important to pick the perfect one from the wide variety of designer shoes.

Choose flip-flops that are comfortable and stylish, so you can wear them to places other than at the beach alone. You can pair fashionable flip-flops with your dresses and shorts and wear them on short walks and for shopping and sightseeing.

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You should be careful when choosing or buying shoes for your holiday, so your feet can thank you. Determining which designer shoes to pack for your holiday depends on your vacation location and what you intend to do on your trip. 

However, some shoes you should pack are flip-flops, sneakers, walking shoes, water shoes, and sandals. Whichever outfit you want to pair them with depends on the activity, your mood, your personality, and how creative you can get!